It tastes the salt tang of the sea, peat and smoky flavor, and I suppose this may be whisky I imagine[Talisker 57° North]
Talisker 57° North
Price(bottle): JPY 7,000
Price(one-shot): JPY 1,200
Color: Deep gold
Viscosity: Normal
Alcohol content: 57%
Over view
It means to be made in north latitude. In short, Talisker distillery is that.
This distillery has many types of whisky in [Talisker].
This whisky is the really unique whisky in [Talisker] series.
It’s very strong sea flavor, alcohol and smoky
So to speak, this is the very strong taste.
But it doesn’t taste strong like [Laphroaig].
salty, peat and smoky smells…
It may be characteristic of the whisky that I imagine.
Personal episode
I don’t like this whisky for the first time. There is no clear reason for it. Rather than, I don’t know. 🙁
About two years later, I found this whisky to Tokyo’s a bar.
I try to drink this, and I came to like this.
Probably, As I didn’t know various whiskies, I was surprised to strong taste. 🙂
Now, one of the favorite whisky is [Talisker 57° North]. 🙂